Tuition & Fees
VISA courses and workshops are open for registration on a rolling basis throughout our Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer terms. We are currently registering students for both In-person (as COVID-19 restrictions allow) and Online courses.
Please review our website to learn about our course selections for each term. You can register online through our website using either PayPal, VISA or Mastercard. If you would prefer to have one of our staff assist you to register, please email or call our office.
Tuition for full and part-time students and students who are not in a program is based on the cost of individual courses and workshops. Some courses and workshops have an additional material fee (see individual descriptions for details).
Programs - Full Time
Tuition Per Semester
Hours Per Semester
12 Week
36 hours
Certificate: 7 - 12 week courses @ $575 per course
252 hours
6 Week - 18 hours (Spring & Summer semester)
18 hours
1 day (6 hours) materials included
6 hours
1 day (6 hours) materials not included
6 hours
1 day (3 hours) materials included
3 hours
1 day (3 hours) materials not included
3 hours
*Workshop tuition varies based on materials and setup fee.
Student Funded Tuition
Tuition is due and payable in full at the time of registration and no later than one week prior to the start of classes. This is to ensure student placement in selected courses.
Payments via:
Register Online (PayPal or Credit Card)
Gift certificates, Cash, or Cheque. An administration fee of $50 will be charged on all NSF cheques.
Phone: 250-380-3500
Other funding options
Government Student Loan Funded Tuition
The Vancouver Island School of Art is a designated institution with the Student Aid BC. Students registered in the Certificate Program are eligible for loans from the British Columbia Student Assistance Program. The fee payment deadline is no later than one week prior to the start of classes. To meet this deadline, it is recommended that Student Loan application forms be completed and mailed to SABC by June 30. If fee payment or written confirmation of loan approval by SABC is not received by the deadline, students will then be responsible to pay 50% of their fees to secure their registration in courses. The remaining 50% is due by September 30. If these conditions are not met, the student may be de-registered from courses.
Other Sources of Outside Funding
Students applying for Indian and Northern Affairs funding, RESP's, or funding from other outside sources should submit their applications prior to June 30. Written confirmation of approval from the funding agency must be received two weeks prior to the start of classes, and must also state the expected date that fees will be forthcoming to the school. You can register any time before the start date of a course or workshop but keep in mind they fill up quickly so it is advisable to register as soon as possible.
Tuition Tax Receipt (form T2202)
For tax year 2019 and later years, every DEI in Canada will file the new T2202, Tuition and Enrolment Certificate, for each student meeting the following conditions: Student eligibility: ·You are at least 18 years of age. ·You were enrolled in a qualified educational program as defined by Canada Revenue Agency (the Certificate of Visual Arts - Full Time program offered by VISA falls into this category), or ·You were enrolled in a specified educational program as defined by Canada Revenue Agency (the Certificate of Visual Arts Part - Time program offered by VISA falls into this category). ·Each of your courses in the program is a minimum of 3 consecutive weeks in length and provides no less than 12 hours of instruction per month. ·You are taking the program to improve or obtain occupational skills. Course eligibility: Your course is part of the Certificate of Visual Arts program at the Vancouver Island School of Art. All certificates are considered “designated post-secondary programs” as defined by Canada Revenue Agency. ·Your course is a requirement towards the completion of a certificate program. ·The tuition fees paid add up to a minimum of $100. ·Your course(s) was at least three consecutive weeks in length. ·Course hours add up to at least 12 hours per month. ·You paid the tuition fees. Your employer, company or institution did not submit the fees to VISA on your behalf, or, you were not reimbursed later by your employer, company or institution, or, you did not receive a grant, benefit or allowance from a third party. Courses and workshops taken under the Individual Course and Workshop option do not fall under these requirements and as such, a Tuition and Enrolment Certificate (T2202) will not be issued for them. Effective January 2020, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) now requires that students provide their Social Insurance Number (SIN) to their educational institution to be displayed on their T2202 Tuition and Enrolment certificate. The tax receipt is generated in February for the previous calendar year. For more information, please review the CRA site (https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/p105/p105-students-income-tax.html).
Program fees
Fee Payments can be made by VISA, MasterCard, debit, E-transfer (director@vancouverislandschoolart.com), or online (below). Note: When requesting an official transcript be mailed to an institution you are applying to study at, also email the office with institution address information.