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Vancouver Island School of Art

302-733 Johnson St, Victoria, BC  V8W 3C7  250-380-3500

Supply List - Quilting & Embroidery: Memory & Mapping


Items required for the first class:

- sketchbook and pen or pencil (whatever you use to think through ideas)

- fat quarters of cotton fabric (0.25metres): min. of 3 in shades of one colour

- polyester or cotton sewing thread in the colour you have chosen for your monochromatic cotton fabric

- scissors able to cut fabric and threads

- at least 3 regular size sewing needles


Additional Items to be discussed during the first class:

- embroidery hoop

- embroidery cotton - at least two contrasting colours of your choice; more may be needed when you decide on a larger project

- 14 count Aida cloth or 28 count linen

- needles - 1 size 24 tapestry needle,

- optional: self-healing board, roller cutter

- sewing or regular ruler (plastic or metal)

- polyester sewing thread (black and white)

- approx. 10 sheets of graph paper

- more fabric will be needed but the project will be discussed in class first and purchases made then

- sewing pins

- a way to access some open source software that will be discussed in class (this can be a computer or phone)

- stuffing or quilt batting

- book binding materials - you will decide what type you wish to make and buy supplies accordingly, options will be shown in class; may be as simple as needle, thread and paper or staples

Items can be found at:

  • Buttons and Bows on View St

  • Michael's

  • Fabricland


The Vancouver Island School of Art is delighted to have a partnership with Opus Art Supplies so please consider using this link and clicking on your course to purchase supplies from Opus Art Supplies: Partnership Page.


You can also consider an Opus A+ Membership, where students can sign up to save 10% on all orders during their studies: Sign Up For Opus A+ Membership.

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