Natasha van Netten’s art practice is influenced by zoology, oceanography and cetology (the study of whales). As a multidisciplinary artist, she explores science-based concepts and ideas in a variety of ways, including installation, drawing, painting and sculpture. A personal curiosity towards the natural world is central to her work. Natasha received a Diploma of Fine Art from the Vancouver Island School of Art in 2016. She was honoured to be a recipient of the Robin Hopper Legacy Award from the Victoria Visual Arts Legacy Society, an Award of Excellence at the Sooke Fine Art Show and was selected as a finalist for the 2021 Wildlife Artist of the Year Award by Sketch for Survival (London, UK). Natasha has taught at the Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts. Her work has been exhibited in Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Norway, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Diploma of Fine Art, VISA